It was 1997 when the first chapter of Fallout , the famous video game set in a post-apocalyptic future that has seen, over the years, several sequels and a great success with the public. It is not surprising that today, given the undeniable growing demand for board games, Bethesda, Fantasy Flight Games e Asmodee have decided to transpose the adventures in the contaminated zone on boardgame, as is also happening for other video games (we talked here about Crusader Kings - the boardgame). The game, created by the authors Andrew Fischer e Nathan Hajek, made headlines and generated considerable expectations well before its official release date; on the other hand, the fame of the saga is undoubted. Will the board game meet expectations? We have already talked about it here, in our preview article; if you want further information, read further.
The game
A necessary premise: Fallout he is an American, therefore Eurogame lovers will turn up their noses a little in the face of dice rolls and the interference of luck in the game experience; on the other hand the setting, in this way, is important and well rendered in the dynamics. The players, from 1 to 4, each manage a character with their own peculiar characteristics and must explore the contaminated area, a map made up of hexagons (some covered and others uncovered) that can be modulated according to the scenario used. The aim of the game is to accumulate a sufficient number of influence points (variable according to the number of players), completing missions and thus acquiring cards, called strategy cards, which remain covered until someone reaches the points necessary to claim victory.
The dynamics
Despite the somewhat difficult regulation in some steps (not new for Fantasy Flight Games), the game is very simple: at each turn, each player performs two actions of their choice (move, camp, explore, make encounters, carry out exchanges, completing a mission, fighting), after which the monsters move or attack according to their position. The dynamics have some peculiarities:
- The scenarios: The game offers the possibility to play six different scenarios, each with its own map. Each scenario will see two different factions clash that will gradually acquire power over the course of the game. Each player has the option of favoring one or the other faction as the story progresses. However, if either of them reaches maximum power before the players have gathered the necessary influence to win, the winner will be the faction.
- Library: it is a deck of cards that contains all the missions and encounters that can be acquired during the game. Each scenario starts with one or more initial missions which, once completed, will in turn unlock other missions. The cards have a narrative part, consequently playing a story is created influenced by the choices of the players. Surely this is one of the most interesting elements of the game, as it makes the setting engaging and the playful experience exciting.
- The meetings: they are cards, which always contain a narrative part useful for the purpose of the story and establish what will happen in certain places. Each match has choices for the player, which will lead to positive or negative consequences.
- Personal boards: each player has a board that takes into account the experience points acquired, the life points, the radiations suffered, the parameters SPECIAL, the equipment obtained and the statuses. The dashboard is well done and the graphics clear. Interesting mechanics whereby the radiations suffered are on the same scale of the life points, starting from the opposite end: you can suffer damage and radiations until the two indicators meet, after which the character returns to life at the starting point, but without equipment.
- SPECIAL.: The system has been implemented in the boardgame with a particular mechanic; essentially it is a system for re-rolling unfavorable dice rolls, in combination with missions, weapons, or other equipment. Each basic part with two letters on its board and, as you level up, you can acquire more.
- In mostri. Inevitable. Monsters are divided into various types and appear in specific places on the map. Each has particular characteristics and different vulnerabilities, which are taken into account during the fight. Killing monsters is the main way to accumulate experience points. The combat is very simplified and is not the core of the game, which focuses more on the unraveling of the story.
- Loot cards, equipment, special cards, caps: they are all bonuses obtainable in various ways during the game and allow you to enhance your character; caps are the game's trading currency.
Materials, graphics and setting
The materials are well cared for and the graphics are very clear; the miniatures of the characters are beautiful, as are the images, which obviously refer to the well-known iconography of the saga of Fallout. The setting is well rendered both by the narrative part of the encounter and mission cards, and by the exploration mechanics of the map.
Definitely an interesting game for videogame lovers, with a good narrative system that allows you to immerse yourself in an engaging play experience; even the uninitiated of the videogame saga, but fans of American boardgame in general, will appreciate Fallout . As I said at the beginning, in approaching it one must be well aware that it is a narrative board game in which the risk is present and can only be partially contained by the player's strategic choices. As for the duration, we are around 2 hours. Some doubts may arise about the longevity given by the fact that there are only six scenarios and a limited number of mission and encounter cards; the problem should be easily solved with any expansions.
Overall a great narrative game, a must for fans of Fallout!