After the deletion of Luke Cage e Iron Fist, the terror in putting his hand to the third season of Daredevil he was very tall. On the other hand, it is the first Marvel Netflix series to arrive at number 3, and certainly to do so it must have something to tell. Clearly this season is a big step back from what the second season showed, but not in terms of quality. Let's find out why the devil from Hell's Kitchen is really back this time.
The past knocks on the door
After the ending of Defenders we had seen an exhausted but alive Matt Murdock who had survived the collapse of the building where the fight with the Hand had taken place. Finally the mythology of Daredevil back in possession of the body of the TV series, supplanting the mistakes of the second season and returning to tell the story of Matt Murdock, his father and his mother. We avoid spoilers for those unfamiliar with the comic series, but it should be noted that the writers have put their hand to something that finally defines the devil keeper in something more realistic, tangible.
Destroyed in body and soul, Matt Murdock (Charlie cox) will have to deal with the unexpected return of Kingpin, aka Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio), understand what to do with his life as a vigilante, but above all decide whether to leave the life of lawyer Murdock buried under the building.
Daredevil Season 3 is a search for one's origins, whether they are made of love or violence: so we see not only Murdock, but also what happened to Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) and how is the family of Foggy Nelson (Elden henson). Space also for the past of the villains of this series, with Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin in one of his best interpretations ever, but above all with Benjamin Poindexter (Wilson Bethel), called by friends Dex. For those who know the comic, this name is one of the pseudonyms of Bullseye, archenemy of Daredevil, which we discover in this series in all its murderous psychosis.
Old but gold
Daredevil Season 3 it is a return to the origins, not only for the tremors treated: the devil returns to his old costume and the script returns to be more focused on battles and the human psyche (than on complex political plots). The whole season will in fact be a crescendo of emotions, which will lead each individual character to develop their personality, trying to find their place in the world. On the other hand, this is what it is about: the personal purpose, what moves the human soul.
What additionally this season's Daredevil ago, is to create a history regarding the connections with the first season. If the second had simply cut the story, telling a sequel not tied to the beginning of everything, this third instead reminds viewers that every action has a consequence, that every single move made by and against Kingpin leads to results, be they good or unpleasant.
Pleasant presence of the new character on duty: the FBI agent Ray Nadeem (Jay Ali), one of the real ones deus ex machina of all events. What does this season of Daredevil do well - or rather that it does well again - is to tell the story of human relationships, be they between heroes or criminals, with or without special abilities. For this reason, every single character will have its own space, without finding useless specks, and making each of them vital for the continuation of the story.
Among illuminating flashbacks regarding the story of Murdock, well-written dialogue and high-level acting rehearsals, Daredevil Season 3 marks the return of the series Marvel Netflix, like a boxer who gets up after a straight, which like Jack Murdock he never got knocked down.