Hello dear users of Resources4Gaming today we will talk about Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the latest effort from Activision and Treyarch.
After taking the inheritance from Infinity Ward, creator of the famous Modern Warfare saga, are now placing more and more expectations in the work of Treyarch. Will the result produced in this chapter have been satisfactory? Let's find out together!
Campaign that wins, you don't change
And it is with this foundation that Treyarch developed the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 campaign, after the great success obtained with the story of the previous chapter of the BO saga, many, including myself, were waiting for the development team to test their maturity.
Before going into history you can customize your character choosing: gender and physical appearance. Then the story will begin with a bang, in the true sense of the term between explosions, special effects and a lot of Treyarch-branded cruelty. Disruptive graphics and sound are the icing on the cake. I absolutely do not want to dwell further on the plot in order to avoid unpleasant spoilers, I can only tell you that my experience was positive because for the first time I was able to savor a very Call of Duty. psychological and introspective instead of "take the gun, shoot, kill and you're done".
Many are the innovations introduced:
- Possibility of being able unlock all missionsie play them in the preferred order, even starting from the last one.
- Introduced the Cooperative mode 2 in split screen and 4 playing online
- When the campaign is completed on any difficulty, the difficulty will be automatically unlocked "Nightmare" where all enemies will be replaced by hideous zombies
- Introduced the difficulty "Realistic": a single bullet, a single explosion of a grenade will be enough to drecetate your death
The only flaw I have found in the campaigns is the AI, unfortunately, sometimes even at fairly high difficulties you will notice disoriented enemies or that do not shoot if you are practically in front of them. In short, having reached this point by now in the development of this brand, these defects should no longer exist and in fact I absolutely do not compromise them!
Hunting for Zombies!
The Zombies mode of the Black Ops series has always been one of the brands and above all strengths developed by Treyarch. I remind you that those who purchase the limited editions of the game will be able to get their hands on two zombie campaigns. The first will be their exclusive and will be called The Giant and it will be nothing more than a reinterpretation of Der Rise, the zombie mode present in World at War. The second, however, will be available to everyone and is called "The Shadows of Evil".
The game mechanics are always the same, leaving aside the return of "normal" people to the detriment of super soldiers, nothing has been changed. The presence of "Hallucinogenic candies" of various colors and uses will make the gaming experience very fun, using a certain type you can take the appearance of a monster with particular skills that you will have to discover during use.
Noteworthy is the splendid setting of "The Shadows of Evil". Every time you start a game your heart goes wild, why? If you notice from the photo, what do these beautiful settings refer to? Bioshock damn! Finally, the list of cast used to best develop this mode: Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, Independence Day), Heather Graham (The Hangover 1-3, Californication), Neil McDonough (Captain America: The First Avenger, Band of Brothers), Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy, Hellboy) and Robert Picardo ( Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate SG-1) lent their faces and voices for the occasion.
Ah but Destiny? Isn't it Titanfall? Not at all is the Multiplayer sector!
Ok, let's point out right away, I was very ironic by presenting the analysis of the multiplayer sector of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. For a totalitarian FPS player, like myself, after not even 5 minutes from the start of a game this was the my first thought. Let me be clear, it is not a fierce criticism, it is just a fact.
The frenzy will be your friend or unfortunately your enemy during the game experience, compared to the previous chapters everything has been made even more hectic. For the rest we say that the classic essence of a Call of Duty is always present, nothing striking or innovative; and it is good under this point since reigns supreme the splendid management of the classes between the various weapons and skills and the customization of the weapons with a finely crafted editor. Each weapon will therefore be customizable in a rather profound way thanks to new attachments that thanks to the Danny's Black Market, a character very similar to Xur (Destiny) also for the appearance
The introduction of the specialists, with super (Destiny? !!) attached, has definitely changed the tactical approach and above all the general experience of the various experts of the saga.
And it is precisely the introduction of these "super" to ruin the gaming experience of the title, forgive me but I just can't swallow this mouthful. The imbalance between "classes" is obvious, on the one hand there are too important and strong skills that destabilize the balance of the match, on the other totally useless skills. All of this seriously ruins what Treyarch has done, it could have been easily avoided!
Another negative note is the imbalance of the weapons, the “Man of War” (automatic rifle) is considerably superior to the rest of the weapons. Do you also notice any similarities with the problems of the Destiny Crucible? However, we hope that as soon as possible, thanks to corrective patches, everything will be balanced and therefore solved!
The game maps are 12, divided between medium and large. The game playlists are divided into: Core, Veteran and Bonus. The game modes are always the same, the only novelty is Safeguard: “A mode in which attackers have to escort an android from one point to another on the map, standing close to him to walk and restart in case he runs out of energy. The defenders, on the other hand, must prevent this from happening by preventing the attackers from escorting the robot to its destination. "
Small news is the pre-match loading, where the gamertags and various specializations will be listed. Definitely reminiscent of League of Legends, don't you think?
Finally, if you win the match and are in the top three of your team, you will have the right to enter the circle of winners. A nice way to be able to boast maybe at the expense of your friends / enemies!