Since its debut in 2017, Nintendo Switch has been able to offer us many revolutionary and unexpected titles that in some cases have even managed to overturn the canonical mechanics of the industry. In fact, we are talking about a console that is anything but traditional, which allows different applications at the software level that are unexpected to say the least. Playful experiences designed for portability, as well as some goodies deriving from the features of the Joy-Con, atypical controllers able to offer sensational tools in the field of development. By supporting the possibilities of its hybrid console, Nintendo has decided to publish a new exclusive, a game that outside the context of Nintendo Switch could not shine in the same way, but which in its ecosystem is undoubtedly an interesting project. Let's talk about 51 Worldwide Games, a title arriving on June 5 in both physical and digital versions on the Nintendo eShop.
In both cases, the game is offered at a budget price to justify a decidedly unusual software proposal, which is divided into 51 different mini-games included within the same package. These are traditional board games in some parts of the world, as well as great classics and more unusual activities. With a lot of curiosity, we had the opportunity to try and deepen all the titles present within 51 Worldwide Games. Are we talking about a title to leave on the shelf (physical or virtual), or has it turned out to be an interesting project capable of making the features of the hybrid console shine? Let's find out together in the next few lines!
All the world in one console
51 Worldwide Games allows you to live experiences from all over the world, transposed on your portable console and easily usable with comfort
In front of a project like 51 Worldwide Games, what has been learned in the most classic video games becomes of little influence, given the concept applied to this unusual experience. Let's talk about a grouping of minigames, which despite being very many are never particularly deepened to become a product in its own right. The proposed titles are often rooted in the traditions of some countries of the world, and it is therefore easy for them to be completely unknown at the first approach. It is almost superfluous to say that the discovery of them is really interesting and particular, being in front of a flood of games related to the folklore of distant nations and cities is simply magical. Everything arrives on Nintendo Switch without any kind of limitation or content to be unlocked with the passing of the hours in-game, given that the entire package offered lands on the home of the software without pretensions. It is possible to choose the most intriguing work at the moment and dive into it without further delay, thus moving from game to game, but the team also wanted to provide special playlists designed to contextualize similar characteristics within some products.
In fact, the production offers a scale re-proposal of our planet, where many imaginary characters are ready to suggest what to play based on playlists created for their tastes. In this way it is possible to start experiencing the various possibilities starting from genres to which one is most similar, in that the aforementioned groupings greatly limit a possible initial confusion. Although one can imagine a number of experiences similar to those of 1-2 Switch, which were not enough for many users, in this case we find ourselves in front of a complete and satisfying content offer.
Contents to no end
In 51 Worldwide Games each game has been proposed through mechanical specifications suitable for the hybrid console, even if everything is mainly designed to be experienced through the portability of the console. Titles always offer new rules and variations, differing from each other by many factors other than the simple control system, enhanced by the console touchscreen support in each of the experiences. Furthermore, the software house has maniacally taken care of the aspects outside the single game, thus making the interaction with the user much more successful.
The care regarding the explanations and details of the games is minimal, but some of the 51 products have obvious critical issues
There are detailed explanations through nice videos dedicated to each single product, which allow you to explain some dark sides of the experiences to interface with them more easily. However, it is not mandatory to attend the explanations, and it is therefore possible to follow them at a later time or forge your skills directly through the field test. Although these factors are well taken care of for each of the experiences, it must be said that some titles featured in 51 Worldwide Games do not particularly shine for certain factors.
In fact, there are various experiences on which clearly less care has been placed, which disfigure compared to the magnificent discoveries present in the catalog. Specifically, these are poorly represented rules, as happens for example for games of chance, or concepts that are very often incorrect and not at all funny. It is clear that given the amount of games it is not possible to maintain the same quality on each of the experiences, but it is certainly annoying to know that some works are present only to increase the total number, while others have not been transposed correctly and are therefore not very enjoyable.
The innovation of 51 Worldwide Games
The new work from Nintendo allows you to play alone, but also to open the doors of the console to the whole world. In the first case, there are artificial intelligences, for most of the titles at least, which can increase their skills several times based on the number of games passed, while after each match some small curiosities about the work are unlocked to encourage players to face new games. Once you master the games it will be difficult to get beaten by bots, and this is where the 51 Worldwide Games concept begins to shine with its own light.
Whether you play with friends or through Nintendo Switch Online, the title allows an excellent use of his experiences, especially thanks to a well-thought-out matchmaking.
The ton of content is in fact designed to be experienced with other users, which can be reached anywhere in the world through the Nintendo Switch Online features. During matchmaking you can even continue to use the software in all its forms, which therefore makes the non-frustrating queues. However, the game has some great features especially when starting local games, leaving players the ability to combine multiple consoles to create a larger game table. Playing with friends is just great, as it is possible to discover the catalog together or show other users some pleasant titles to experience together. In this way, Nintendo Switch becomes a huge box full of any type of board game or similar, which however weighs a few grams and allows you to have fun in any case. It is good to specify that this is not an experience suitable for everyone, and that although it is almost impossible not to be attracted to any of the games present, it is still likely that some players do not particularly appreciate this unusual game concept.